Thursday, May 02, 2019


115 .

It happens very subtly and we almost miss it but there are two fashions that I have noticed recently to have occured.  When all your superstars (Millionaires) start sporting beards , It almost drives me to shave again so I’ll look like a teenager again. (Pretty unlikely).  But we are still  hung up on clean faces in the Political arena, except for a bit part in a pretty good movie “Madam  Secretary”  where one of her aides has a partial beard but even better, one of her female (black) aids has a very weird haircut. If only that filters down to our real world (as some of the other ideas of the series), life  could improve a bit.
   The other fashion is have you ever noticed that women are mostly wearing tights  instead of skirts anymore. This harks back to early Science Fiction illustrations where all women wore tights (and were not fat) plus their ever-present belt containing their  daily dose of anti-pregnant pills. Well,
I missed the pill time as well as the AIDS epidemic, and am thankful for it all.


  Being of a curious temper, I rented “Black Knight” as it has gotten so many awards. Wow, was  I ever surprised! What an absurd scene. Have our adults retroed to child-hood?  This was worse than I imagined.  The only thing missing were the white guys.  Who rates all these, twelve year old kids?

MONEY VERSUS TASTE                                  

  There seems to be a close correlation between the two as the more money someone has, their taste for Design & aesthetics declines. Or is it just me?

IF YOU’R DESPERATE IN Paris and need a Hot Dog  fix, get to Harry’s Bar and ask for a “Chien Choud”
(Shen Showd) And you will get a close facsimely  of one.  I don’t know where they get them.
   It’s like Cocktails. The French do not like to cloud up their Cognac with sweet crap and make it look pretty. thirty years ago the only place you could get a cocktail in France was a  Harry’s and a really large Hotel, but now , the French are getting perverted and you’ll find them all over. Just don’t ask for a ‘Martini’ as you will be served a glass of Sweet Vermouth, Martini’s.


   Before production began the Diamler AG folks designed and built the innovative production plant near the German Border near Hambach, France, now called SMARTVILLE.   The central portion is a cross consisting of the assembly lines on the ground level wirh the upper three stories for offices and Labs. Most of the components are produced , assembled and guanteed by a plethera of sub-contractors.

These companies have mostly built adjacent plants where they produce various components and actually install them on a timely basis due to their close proximetry.  A few of the subs are: De Dion Tube rear suspension (He invented the Rear end for cars in about 1895 for steam Tricycles.), Siemens produces the entire cockpit, cable trees and batteries. Krupp delivers the propulsion unit, Tire sets are by continental. They produce about 750 cars a day. ( Thru a company-owned railway station.)
   But you are probably more interested in the safety of such a small machine.   See below.

Since there is virtually no room for a crumple Zone in the front the car , it has is built in a cage of steel. An American Test using a five star rating gave Smart a four-star rating,(Front Impact) while it got a five star rating for a side impact. The real test was getting approval for the Norwegian “Moose Test” wherever  the car has to avoid an object at a certain speed and not tip over. Smart had to do a re-design to pass that one.
  My old Citreon 2CV (Due-shay-voh) or two horses), was also a three cylinder power plant but it only produced about 13 HP at the time(1966). However,  the Smart has a beautiful bundle of giszmos that are in the back that produces 88 HP in some models.  The radiator is in the front of the car.  But it will get up to 96 mile per hour, fast enough for me.

WHEN YOU’R FEELING DOWN….                                               
I’ve just come across a musician who is a real inspiration for us when we are feeling sorry for ourselves or a bit down. He as a pianist/Arranger who plays AROUND MIDNIGHT in a manner that is better than Monk  himself. If that doesn’t get rid of your blues, listen to his version of TAKE THE ‘A’ TRAIN, played with his outstanding side-men. His name is Michel Petrucciani, see him on You Tube, performing “Round Midnight” & “Take the ‘a’ Train”.  This small miserable dwarf can barlely move about on his little dwarf crutches, yet has managed to excel at Jazz piano as well as arranging same.  If you find life a little too hard, just play his clip and you couldn’t possibly keep feeling sorry for yourself any longer. His transformation is close to miraculous.

Gertrude Bell, an early suffragette (She did not support the cause),  was an early supporter  of the Arab cause, one of the first mountain climbers (Europe),  and instrumental in the first days of Iraq when it was originated in about 1925 by the British and the French.  How she was on the scene at the right time is described in a well researched book by Georgina Howell , “Gertrude Bell, Queen of the Desert, Shaper of Nations.”  She had a brilliant mind, from a wealthy British family, fluent in French, German, Persian, Arabic and versed in others as required.  She had her own caravans and traveled the vast deserts to meet most of the important Sheiks and Sherifs that would come in handy when Iraq was being designed.
This was all done when women were not to be seen at anything important.