Friday, November 10, 2017


I never thought I’d be living in the midst of a major disaster but here I am. Fortunately my home and office are about a 10 miles west of where the inferno stopped.   They are still counting but it appears about 7,000 houses and businesses were burned down , as well as more than 20 deaths attribrituted to it.  This monster came into to the foothills and town in the middle of the night, as some unfortunates had to  run out without shoes , wallets, with nothing else but with their lives.  We were inconvienced only with things like a heavy smoke, long lines at gas stations, and lots of traffic.  My sign shop, Who made our 30th anniversary banner had just moved to his location but the building he was in burn out totally. His name is Amier and may be Arabic so he may not be able to get a grant or much to keep going. 
  How many can re-build?  Other fires had destroyed up to a thousand houses, not all homes were rebuilt, some say ½.  Evan at that , we’re talking about 3500 projects. That is impacting all local Architects, Builders, Consultants  beyond measure. Looking at the phone book, there are only about one page  ( 100 Architects in this area,  But 24 pages of Attorneys!).   That adds up to 35 houses per each Architect.  Small offices can do two or three houses a year!  Obviously, folks from all over the West will have to be involved.  A lot of the houses, apartments were built in the early 1980’s, maybe the tract builder is still around and has the original drawings, soil tests, structural calculations and could re-build like he did originally, on a mass scale.  FEMA is onsite with their heavy handed folks in moon-suits scouring burn sites for toxics and want to take it all away along with a foot or two of topsoil. To where? Maybe a toxic fill site in central California or maybe Nevada? They worry about things like paint that had lead in it!  It’s too early to see where this is going to go. There are horror stories that each house site may cost $50,000 to clear of debris & toxics!  Let’s see, times 6000 is how much?

   It appears that the New York police are exchanging their horses for Smart cars. The horses may me faster, but not as cute.
  All is not lost, however, as the grapes were just harvested and their vines are shedding their golden leaves as we speak.

  I just finished a book titled “Invisible Armys” about Guerrilla warfare.  (by Max Boot 2013). A good sized volume of 700 pages, delineating the history of the term and who was doing it.   From the Greeks and Romans to our current problem with ISIS,  He does deleneated how the U.S. didn’t understand  (and still may not) the methods of offense when confronted with a non-State.  Have you ever considered that the American Indian was a Guerilla fighter?, That the early American Revolutionaries also could be called that.  From Book I; The Origens of Guerlilla Warfare, Book 2; The rise of the Liberal Revolutionaries, To Book 8; God’s Killers (Radical Islam) yuo’ll see why the us Military didn’t understand what was happening until too late,  and wonder why we need Billion dollars F-22 to fight someone in the streets of Afganistan.

  If there are a lot of Americans who are suffering from anxiety about our politics, they will really be upset after reading  Philip Roths’ book. THE PLOT AGAINST AMERICA  written in 2003 about the beginning of WW2, and mostly about a Jewish family .  Charles Lindberg becomes President as he vowed to keep the US neutral and out of the war. Well, he is aligned with the German higherarchy and  it isn’t long before the Nazi are taking control of the army and National Guard, and begin arresting and killing people  (Jews, of course) like the popular radio commentator, “Walter Winchell”. The author gets us out of this sticky situatiion in a cavalier way, and we were able to re-align with the actual history to end the war.  Whew!! I’m certainly happy we have a stable and intelligent president to keep this from happening.
  I did enjoy the short notes the author inserted an the APPENDIX  regarding most of the players in the ww2 drama.  For instance, Lindburg did  receive in 1938 the Service Cross of the German Eagle, a gold medallion with four swastikas, conferred by order from Hitler. Also Ford’s  labor policies were condemned by the National Labor Relations Board and considered the worst in auto industry.  We get a glimpse of the seamy side of a lot of our heroes. 

A TELEGRAM FROM HARRY TRUMAN, PAST PRESIDENT (This may be false news, but I don’t care.)
  Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end.

  Am I the only want upset by how our army  guys wear their berets plastered down over their eye but their logo has to be offset to do it? I did appreciate that at least they got rid of that stupid cap they used to wear.  That upsets me almost how all our polititians must wear a little American flag pin on their lapel.  At Last Bernie didn’t.  Or how about coming to attention when the  anthem is being played? Shall we just jail any   basatrd who doesn’t act like it was a sacred religious song . ( All now, for der Fatherland!).
