Friday, March 16, 2018



HERES a new mag I've been missing. ALLURE. It came to our house and it appeared to have a young, beautiful girl on the cover who was wearing only a brassier and panties. WOW!  Is this really legal now? I grabbed it and tried to fine the article regarding how hey managed that. I got side-tracked as there was virtually nothing in the entire rag but advertising. I finally ran across a small article regarding the cover model, who purportedly was wearing a transparent dress. Sure enough, when I looked closely, there were s,mall vertical lines on an clear plastic dress! Well, I was certainly fooled by that old ploy. 
   Anyway, while I was at it it I counted the add pages versus the written content, (not easy to tell the difference, sometimes). And found an astounding 96 full page adds mostly directed at young women who were already beautiful. There were only 16 pages of text! And this will only cost you $10 a year to buy mostly adds that the mag already is getting paid for by the advertisee. I''m truly appalled by this mis-use of time and money. At least it's not my time & money.

The sports folks are currently involved in buying up the best batters, pitchers, quarterbacks, Etc.   . And I am utterly flabbergasted about how much these guys are making. Here is a young guy who is being paid 20 million a year, but I suppose you have to look at the fact he has to pay about half of that in taxes to our government. (Bummer, only left with 20 mill?) I guess the only other guys who make as much are the Hip-Hop guys (What the hell is that?).

The name means SHIP STOREHOUSE and was a substantial building in the 1600's. Today it is a museum contains a wonderful contemporary Cafe with good food, good prices and better beer and wine. It has been fitted with a glass dome recently, which was inspired by the Compass Rose found on all nautical maps of the ancients. Since I could't figure out how such a shallow dome (with Snow loads) was built, I asked several engineers to enlighten me to no avail, but I am still impressed at such a flat dome for such a large area.

  Once in a while I come up for air and notice some new fashions going around. I was especially surprised when I noticed that most of the super sportsperson were wearing beards, and some really long! Everyone who plays with a ball (Base, Basket and foot) seem to be getting bearded up all of a sudden. I have mixed emotions about that as I have been hirsute for about 50 years now and like marijuana, didn't think it would become mainstream at some time in my lifetime, anyway.
   I am also noticing hat it seems 'fashionable for men to walk around with their shirts outside of their pants. Now this is a no brainier, as it is really a stupid look. But even worse than that, young girls (and their mothers) are all getting the Australian shoe/boot call Ugg, which has got to be named for a short version of Ugly!
  While we're dissing the new fads, let me vent a bit about why there is such a thing as high tables in, restaurants and even rental apartments (( this is what I call "a current fashion"). I suppose this is another of those wonderful inventions by your favorite Interior Desacrators.
  Let's talk a bit about our teachers. This as kind of similar to our health programs. Whenever we see a chart of our standing World-Wide, We spend less  on our teachers and less more on Health Care but get less and Less for each one.  But before I get into ranting about those, how about so many of our citizens have to have multiple jobs? I can understand a little of it as I had generally about 5 different jobs at the same time but I was a student, earning my way thru architectural school, not being supported by any Veterans tuition, and was too bright to get a student loan that would pay for it all (Parties!) and owing about a $100,000 as soon as I graduated. Who would be so dumb as to do that? I can now see that a college degree can be required to get those cushy jobs like Kindergarten Teacher.  Most think they are merely "Baby sitters" and that is what we really need, as that allows the mother to get a real job and support her kids. This is an area that I do not know much about, except what I read. But I have a feeling that our school system is pretty ,much regulated by the State and this bothers me. There are rules that limit the number of students, our type of history, etc.  How about looking at that problem from the top down, instead of gnashing our teeth about low paying jobs? (First, how much is adequate housing?)
Is there any way to look at how so many of our people are on welfare?   We have already built gigantic housing projects and the inmates (oops, excuse me!) turn it into a terrible, drug infested, violent environment, and it is therefore demolished *Pruitt-Igoe ( New York?) .
To quote a teacher ;"Isn't it amazing one can teach in a city in this country but not afford to live in it? Values in this country seem to be that entertainment, be it sports or Hollywood, is worth so much more that folks who teach our  children.


I do understand something about collateral building (Civilian benefits of War research, such as the iphone, satalites, etc.) but I don't have a number at hand that relates how much we budget on the Space  program.  I am concerned that the funding and development of outer Space takes precedent over our Health Care. What percentage of their budget do the Scandinavians spend on space inquired when they seem to have the health part of he equation pretty well handled. There are innumerable satellites zipping around our earth and they are a result of our other searches for the end of the universe, or something. Let's put off our trip to Mars after we've solved our Health program.  I recently saw a list of some of our space programs and there were 50 massive programs throwing shit in space , hoping for what?
Maybe we can leave collapsed stars and black or white holes alone for a while, and concentrate on problems at hand.

It's not all bad! Remember, I met my 1st and 3rd wives at the workplace.


The Art Nouveau  architect , Victor Horta, built his house (Now a museum) with wonderful hand built twisty steel pieces, most built-up as this was before rolled steel I beams. To us, we can't quit figure out how the crafsmen were able to fabricate such forms. This done about late 1890's.

Excerpts from  A FAILED DRUG WAR  (Plus some of my rantings. Stopping the Drugs)
 DRUG INTERDICTION. By Mathas Schwartz (New Yorker)
 In 1988, Reagan signed his Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which was to create a new, clean America by 1995.
 In 1911, George Shultz, Reagan's Secretary of State and our Official DRUG CZAR said "The war on Drugs has simply not worked, It hasn't kept drugs out of this country".
Jut like the war on Alcohol, or Prohibition, kept Alcohol out of the hands of  millions of our population, while engendering a vast crime syndicate, similar to what we are experiencing  but it has become a world-wide problem.
  Why did he realize this after so many thousands of people have been killed while hard drug use has increased vastly. They have finally realized that interdiction programs like Anvil, are negated almost instantly, and instead of wasting money, it would be better spent on treatment and harm reduction.  In 1920's , It took our government twelve years to realize that prohibition wasn't working The violence was extant, but nothing close to the violence that is occurring today. In Mexico, Middle America, South America and the Middle East
  These bureaucrats were a little confused and naive about the different drugs they were supposed to suppress. cannibas[1]  (Formerly known as Marijuana), Cocaine (From Coka) and heroine  (from Opium). Users were more dangerous than arid core addict as "they were willing and able to proselytize" which made them "highly contagious"  Never mind that a pot head would normally never ever want to be near a Heroine addict.

OPIUM - The cause of the Opium War in late 1800's between China and England, China was trying to get her subjects off the drug, but England couldn't care less as they were in it for profit. .

WEED -  A weed used by the American Indians mostly for religious purposes, It became prevalent enough by the 1930's to cause the US  Government to make a move ( a new medium) to show what a terrible thing it would be to be happy. For a few hours.

  COKA - A plant that was used (chewed) by the the Inca nation for millennia but was processed by some Americans into a short term high in order to work at the high altitudes to Peru & Colombia.

Our , lawmakers never realized it, but there it's a vast difference between the above drugs.
There will always be people who are easily addicted to a particular item, whether it be smoking, drinking or drugs. I've own people who over-use  cannibas, and their life can be a problem, (They drive slow, are peaceful, and can't remember anything.)

In 1988, the RAND cooperation study concluded that interdiction ( SEIZING) could not work. It cited six previous studies that had reached the same

When we invaded Afghanistan, we were surprised at all the Opium fields and farmers there. We didn't know what to do so we eradicated the farmers life income, just as we do in Columbia, Peru, and other countries that do not have a use problem.
Why do you suppose there are so many people in the 
US who use the harder drugs? 
    We are currently having a epidemic of Opoid over-use. I assume this is derived from Opium, and didn't we stop importing Chinese in the 1800's because they were all using this (Smoking)
   Iv'e been a felon all my adult life as I have used pot in lieu of alcohol to have a bit of fun with.  One of the problems anyone has had to study the effect of grasswas that it was so illegal, no one could study it unless they were using it.

  If we stop this madness, how do we fire the thousands of people who are making a living off this "Interdiction".?  IN 1989, CONGRESS APPROVED 2.2 BILLION FOR BUSH'S 5 YEAR PLAN TO ERADICATE COCA FROM THE FARMS IN ANDEAN AREAS OF SO. AMERICA.
Bennet, our drug czar, promised a 10 percent reduction in use by '91. Aur DEA budget trailed.eduction by 1999. Between '90 and '07, street prices declined by 80 % . During the same period, DEA budget triples.   What is happening these days is Rebellions and Insurgents are being funded by the growers of Pot, Coka and Opium.

I n  1998 our we. (The DEA) killed Escobar in Columbia, but before too long, new bosses took his place & business as usual continued as long as we have a population thaat needs it.
  This was a new thought, Clintons drug tzar said "If you want to fight a war on drugs, talk to your children. ". Do you mean education? We all know that can't work, don we?  We spent 5 billion in 6 years fighting the insurgents & drug  Guys in South America. , yet our DEA budget increased by three fold. Is anyone paying attention?
  We have incarcerated 320',000 of our citizens in our huge jail system. The most in  the world,
Our drug  budget for 2006? Was 25 billion , yet we spent 40% for treatment. I don,t remember anyone trying to convince me from smoking a joint once in a while.
  The US has tried paying Coka farmers to switch crops what what would you do?
Drugs. Are not a security threat . It has come to light that we couldn't even get Canada to a test how really bad is for us Only after prohibition can we get studies that show that cocaine & hereon are  not so good for us. (Surprise!).
   We don't seem to have any regrets when we spray farmers fields with Paraguat. Is this defoliant toxic? Do we care? What is happening when most of our citizens are approving of legalizing cannabis? This must be pretty traumatic to the DEA who have put so many of our otherwise citizens in prison, ignoring the catastrophic effect it had on so many family's. Are we gone to let all those thousands to go free now that the law has changed?  Why is it that we are the biggest problem in the world  Where most of the drugs end up in the USA?? Past presidents (Reagan) have declared "We’re running up the battle flag, , we can fight the drug problem, we can win". Do they really believe it, even after we failed so miserably with. The booze wars.?
  In Nicaragua, the villagers have nothing but scorn for the local authorities, the Army, The drug traffickers as well as the Americans who have brought. All this down upon them and their families. The collateral damage to local villages is tragic. They believe " All they care about is the drugs. Not who dies, not the evidence or the legal procedures, Just the drugs." That's about the same mind-set as the Drug traffic eras, isn't it?
  The. Amount of Coka needed to supply the Global Market is relatively small: a plantation of two hundred thousand hectares (about the size of Long Island) would be enough. The U.S. Has chased this plantation around the world, why not grow it here for our own folks and forget all about the "War on Druds"?
The most famous butcher in Italy is Dario Cechina, in a small village in Chianti region. Known for his disdain of his customers and their whims, he has opened a nearby open air restaurant where he serves about three dishes, A large steak-burger, a some other part of a cow, and a vege type ,which I had. Notice his paper place mats are a digragm of the various cuts of a cow.

WAR. Our military budget is insane.  Five times greater tan any other country and over 60% of our Federal budget. We don't need to build an Empire. So let's divest ourselves of Puerto Rico,
Guam and all the other small islands we desire in order to have an airfield in the middle of the vast ocean For our policing of the rest of the world.

SEX   It took us a while to realize that AIDS was a deadly disease due to a lifestyle we didn't
appprove of but also found that  heterosexuals did suffer from it and we finally got it where everyone didn't die from it. Now we're trying to understand that women Want to be men, and vice versa. What to do?  

EDUCATION. Young people should understand more about the ramifications of College. First of all, you don't need it if you don't know what you want to learn, like a profession. Trade schools are a great way to learn a trade and become a useful citizen, and make a good living. There is a peculiar relationship between earning capacities and college grads. Why is it that some teachers, with a degree, earn less than someone in the trades? There should be a better relationship between earnings and how much time one spends, learning to say nothing of the costs involved. Look at me;  four years of College (Paid my way) plus several years as an apprentice really learning the trade. But actually making minimum wages for years. Even now, as my own boss,  I don't make much money, but I love what I' m doing. Is there a requirement for that?  A few of my college friends, Jazz musicians, spent years in college with me, then earned a living with their music and not as an architect after they graduated.

HEALTH   We set up up jingoistic phrases like "Single Payer". What does that mean? Who is the single payer? Your employer? Your government?  You? And if you're a self employed entrepreneur? How do other countries do it?  Maybe we can't afford to give you a re-cycled Heart or lung , since you spent most of your life living a dissolute existence?
We tend to focus on morality issues like "Abortion" and such.
Our drug policy is strictly a morality issue, from 1930's.  What a surprise to find marijuana has so many health benefits, to say nothing of the fun you can ave if you can figure out the zillions of types of cannibas (The new word for it). (Also, how to spell it. I just figurered out how to spell marijuana).

POLITICS   Talk about Crazy!  Our politicians, who we voted for (kind of ) are now so beholden to the money  they receive from "Lobbyist" that it is really the Lobbyists who are running the country. I guess when you get so big, the only way to talk to your politico is thru a lobbyist. Why don't we just vote for the Lobbyists?

GUNS   Why do gun folks need assault weapons for? They can't use them for hunting squirrel & deer. Does anyone know why they need AK47 for target practice  Every one in a while, a loony massacres a bunch of innocents for an unknown reason. I have given this problem at least 10 minutes thought and here is my solution;  I don't know how many schools we have but it would be nuts to arm all the teachers and supply them with guns, with which they wouldn't know how to kill another human. But , hire one teacher in  each school who is a veteran with lots of gun skills give him/her a nice Utzi to keep in a class room locker and if a nut comes along, shooting students, he can take him out , at least make it a level playing field.
ACCESSIBILITY.   Has anybody calculated how much it is going to cost us citizens to change A LL THE CORNER CURB CUTS IN AMERICA to conform to the requirements of the ADA (American With Disabilities Act). I stand by helplessly watching my small town (Sebastopol) tear out and  replace all the corner ramps in all the cities  every ten years.  Meanwhile, I',m avoiding potholes In the  street that is  an embarrassment  to us poor car drivers.
I'd like to inject my two cents worth here as SEX in the workplace isn't all bad. Remember, I met mt 1st wife and 3rd wife in the workplace. The first one lasted a year but the last one is lasting over 30 years!  ( This one is "until death do us part")  A note to the young who still feel the need, all my weddings had very few people around, especially the last one in Greece, when the mayor of Pahlio Pasihico was a pretty excited and the Brit expatriot were the only ones around. You don't need such extraneous people to muck up the moment.


Some things are so simple and beautiful,  like the small salad on our street table in Castellani.

It cost the Italian government several million euros per inch to stop the destruction.
It was moved back  a total of 16" . They probably figure that is far enough as they still need the tourists to awe at it.

LOCAL ISSUES? (That directly affect us)


PEDESTRIANS   When we can convince our pedestrians that when crossing a street in a crosswalk, whether it is flashing with light a on the side not in the pavement,  THEY ARE NOT IN A SAFE ZONE. IT IS DANGEROUS CROSSING THE SREET and one must be aware of that. How many times have I seen pedestrians walking across the street, unaware they are in a target zone?

  My experience has been that when a friend dies, it gives me an Idea how much I loved that one.
But recently, I read a cogent concept that we might ask ourselves occassinally..
"Make a list of those that you would make you  devastated by their loss."
