Tuesday, February 26, 2019



Ciodad de Mexico at its' height
  Ever since my trip to the Yucatan area in the 60's I have been interested in Aztec & Inca civilizations. At some point I copied a rendition of the Aztec empire at its height  I supposed our Mexicans understand they are living on the roots of the ancient Aztec civilization and the Zocalo, the main square in the City, is the remains of the actual square that the ancient civilizations used. I have included a map of Mexico City with today's rant  to show that the high rise buildings in Mexico City are basically siting on giant concrete rafts, as the entire city is founded on the old civilizations. After my graduation from College, I enrolled in the Collegio de Ciudad de Mexico for a semester, which gave me time to search out the ancient ones. In retrospect, it was very much like Paris, sitting on my balcony overlooking the Reforma, with fresh bread from the bakery across the street and a jug of beer (a legacy from the rule of some Austrian King (Maximilian)  in the last century! and reading  authors that I had no time to while in school. It seems a tossup who was the more brutal; The Spanish Priests (The Inquisition) or the Aztec priests, with their mounds of skulls of prisoners. 

Celtic harp for the Holidays
If you are getting bored with the same old songs that are drug out about time for your next X as, allow me to brighten up your holiday a bit. (How long can Bing Crosby be allowed?).
  Let me suggest you buy a CD of Celtic music, by Chris Caswell. He has one out of Celtic Tidings (Holiday numbers) as well as his CD of just good listening to all old instruments, many constructed by Caswell in my Artist building in Graton before he died rather young. He had a recording studio in my building in Graton fo years. 

     As I am on the precipice of life here I feel it is time to review what I have done in order that I can access whether I have done enough while taking up room on this planet. In other words, what have I done?
  First of all, I have tried to donate at least 10% of my work to causes that I have found to be needed.  I have donated a lot of work for the following projects;
1.     Shamaz Retreat in Redwood Valley, CA
2.    Sant Takar Singh, Umoqua Retreat, Umpqua, Oregon
3.    Kirpal Singh Hall renovation, Tustin , CA
4.    Isha projects , 400 seat donw, 5,0000 Ahditorium, Bruce, Wisconsin
5.    StarCross Residence & Barn, Annapolis, CA (Children with AIDS)
6.    A primitive carpenter in Africa,_Provide small loans to entrepreneurs . Kiva Program
7.    Work on The East-West Society, Los Angeles, CA (New stage, misc. carpentry)
8.    Seven Arts Society, Laguna Beach, CA
I have left a trail of upgraded garages, sheds; you name it, livable environments on a minimum budget (for me).
Wrote, published, then didn’t sell 1,000 books 1982 Mostly to see how a book is published. And how is one designed?
Wrote another book on computer without the aid or involvment of any human (Except myself). 1990
Changed book to E-book, about 2012.
Bought & financed 100 year old apple processing building, turned into 28 Artists Studios, Graton  CA. 1985
Designed (and built) many houses , mostly innovative solutions on “Unbuildable Lots” in USA.
1960 to current
Designed and produce several Modular concepts; Three Dimensional, Panel types.
Sold to Ford Motor Co., 1970

   My daughter just gave me a  kind of a primer on dying. As we get older and approach the edge of the Abyss our study options seem get more limited.  SENECA by James Roman is a good read , though small, on your bookshelves  How to Die gathers in one volume, for the first time, Seneca’s meditations on death and dying. The book reveals a provocative thinker who speaks with a frankness about the need to accept death or even, under certain conditions, to seek it out.  We should remember he lived during the reigns of Nero and Caligua, who condemned a plethora of folks to death but they had to do the job themselves. After reading the book, I realized how different our view is of death due to the dogma of our Christian religions, and really, we Americans (USA) consider it a Sin or a Major crime to do ourselves in or even assist another to end it all. Seneca really practiced what he preached as he ‘Executed ‘ himself, which is described nicely by  Tacitus ,in  a later chapter of the book.  This harks  back to the death of Socrates, some three hundred years earlier in Athens.

How about changing the name of our Secretary of Defense to SECRETARY OF OFFENSE?

Can we use the term OMNICIDE?

ESCAPE FROM PARADISE? That's what a lot of us try.

I WOULD LIKE TO SEE OUR POLITICIANS TO WEAR SUITS THAT ADVERTISED THEIR “DONORS”, JUST LIKE THE RACE CAR DRIVERS, WHO NEED SUPPORT FROM THE COMMERCIAL SECTOR. While we’re at it, let’s  just vote directly for the lobbyists, and bypass the middle man (your politician).

During the 60’s the Jazz Scene in Los Angeles was very active. There must have been 20 or 30 Small Cubs in L.A. and environs for us aficionados to hang out around and pick up on the latest vibes.  One could stop in for a drink or two, sometimes a $5 or $10 cover charge at a place like Shelleys’ Man-Hole (Shelly Mann) or some narrow venue much like the current Club Alto in Amsterdam, and pick on the latest cool vibes. Sunday early afternoons offered “The Lighthouse” in Hermosa Beach, where the coolest cats hung out to jam a bit.

Diagragm showing squaring the circle

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Before there were architects and Engineers, there were Master Masons who were fascinated with mathematics.  In early 1100’s they changed the architecture of the French churches to what is now called “ Gothic”  from the Romanesque  style  which had just run it’s course. The new idea was  originally called ‘Gothic”  as it was also called “monstrous and barbaric”  it did not conform to the current Classical Ideals. The Term  became acceptable  during the Middle ages, which by that time they had constructed some of the most structurally amazing edifices due to the use of flying buttresses and giant walls of colored glass, some with about 200 foot high naves.. Most people were illiterate and the church itself became the method of teaching the biblical tales.
  The Rose Window became he significant point of the buildings and after Filius Benaci discovered what is now called “The Fibonacci Series” in 1202,  the windows became a   talisman to out-complicate any rival mason. The above photo shows a completed window while the diagram shows only one way “Squaring the Circle” was manifested for the complex design. Next time you are in Paris, be sure to see the Rose Window in ‘La Chapelle’, The culmination of the art in the king’s personal chapel near Notre Dame. About 1400 AD.